Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.2.4 • Fixes out of memory errors and crashes when opening the control panel. • Works around a system bug that draws a thick line below the menu bar. • AppleWorks 6 databases now use the correct colors in their popup menus. • EndNote text entry fields now use the correct text color. • Outlook Express 5 uses the correct text color when editing the address book. • Norton SpeedDisk's disclosure triangle now draws correctly. • Script Debugger no longer crashes when trying to draw a slider. • Several other minor changes and improvements. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.2.3 • Fixes a conflict with RealPlayer 7 that caused crashes when quitting. • Works around various drawing glitches in Microsoft Outlook Express 5. • The Apple, Help, and Application menus use the correct font under Mac OS 9. • Fixes a problem that occasionally truncated menu titles in the menu bar. • Removes any and all unnecessary black lines at the bottom of the menu bar. • The default hard disk icon now draws correctly under Mac OS 8.5 and later. • Fixes the popup menu in the File Sharing user info window under Mac OS 9. • Fixes mixed state check boxes that mistakenly appeared in various apps. • Fixes problems with the system font and Preferences popup in Gerry's ICQ. • Kineticon now animates Finder icons that are displayed in “as Button” views. • Fixes a dialog box in File Buddy which was using the wrong background color. • Kaleidoscope now preserves iControl’s Finder icons when switching schemes. • Fixes conflicts with DoubletScan, AMP Radio, Chem3D, and EIMS Admin. • The scheme can now specify the color of Mac OS 9 notification windows. • Kaleidoscope now notifies Appearance-savvy apps when switching schemes. • Made minor adjustments to the popup menus and K1-style utility windows. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.2.2 • Fixes a crash during startup on Power Macs running System 7. • Fixes a crash when using the Sound control panel under Mac OS 9. • Photoshop no longer crashes when you move a palette partly offscreen. • Quark XPress windows now respond correctly to mouse clicks. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.2.1 • Fixes a crash when drawing popup windows under Mac OS 8.0 or 8.1. • Photoshop's utility windows once again stick to the bottom of the screen. • Smart Scroll no longer forces scroll bars to have double arrows. • Fixes a glitch where dialog box text in Anarchie Pro, Netscape, and other applications mistakenly draws disabled, particularly with Apple platinum. • Fixes various drawing glitches in the Code Warrior IDE. • Fixes glitches drawing the hard disk icon in open/save dialog boxes. • Fixes problems with the Languages & Region Support and shared folder icons. • Kaleidoscope's desktop patterns now work with transparent desktop pictures. • Tab panes now use the correct text color in Appearance and other applications. • Several other minor changes, fixes, and improvements. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.2 • Kaleidoscope is now compatible with Mac OS 9. • Added support for scroll bars with both arrows arrows at one end (under Mac OS 8.5 and later). Just check the “Smart Scrolling” box in the Appearance control panel and uncheck Kaleidoscope’s “Scroll Bars have Double Arrows” box. • Spinning zoom rectangles are back (under Mac OS 8.5 and later)! • Adobe Photoshop’s toolbars use Kaleidoscope's utility windows and colors. • Kaleidoscope now shows the scheme's about box while switching schemes. • The “Select Scheme...” button in the Kaleidoscope control panel opens to the folder containing the current scheme. • Sherlock’s grow box draws using colors from the current scheme. • The default application menu “grip” looks better in K1-style schemes. • Apple DVD Player no longer crashes when you “Present Video on Screen”. • Fixes window drawing glitch on 680x0 machines using thousands of colors. • Fixes crashes when using Extensis Mask Pro and other Photoshop plug-ins. • Dragging Finder window proxy icons no longer leaves a trail on the screen. • Fixes a glitch drawing K1-style indeterminate progress bars in Anarchie, Outlook Express, and other applications. • The window collapse box now responds correctly in America Online 4.0. • Adobe Illustrator 8 draws popup menus correctly in its open/save and preferences boxes. Also, fixed a drawing glitch in Illustrator's utility windows. • Tex-Edit Plus displays command key equivalents correctly in its script menu. • SoundJam's playlist window looks much better. • Icon Archiver no longer misappropriates icons from the Kaleidoscope file. • ICQ's “Search/Add Users” button text no longer overlaps its icon. • MultiAdCreator's menus now use the correct text colors. • In K1-style popup windows, the proxy icons and folder popups work correctly. • Quark CopyDesk uses the correct cursor, instead of its own rainbow arrow. • Old versions of Eudora use Kaleidoscope's progress bars once again. • Fixes a crash switching schemes while there are sliders on the screen. • Tabs play the appropriate sounds from the current Appearance sound track. • The menu bar clock text always draws in the correct location. • Installer VISE popup menus are no longer solid white. • Made several minor changes to how K1-style utility windows draw. • Added new utility windows to the BeBox and System 7, tweaked Apple platinum's utility windows, and updated the other included schemes to look and work better. • Several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 • Fixes crashes and video problems on the new Blue & White Power Mac G3s. • Switching schemes from the Kaleidoscope control panel no longer triggers a crash. This was a conflict involving StuffIt SpaceSaver and Navigation Services. • FaxSTF draws bevel buttons correctly in FaxBrowser, and QuickNote no longer misappropriates Kaleidoscope's registration information as its default text. • Extension Manager's Selected Set popup menu responds better to mouse clicks, and its check boxes draw correctly with the System 7 scheme. • AppleWorks 5.0.3 draws its menus backgrounds correctly. • Internet Explorer 4.5 uses Kaleidoscope's tabs in its Explorer Bar. Also, its bevel buttons draw correctly, no longer leaving garbage on the screen. • Action Files no longer has drawing problems in the Select Scheme... dialog box. • SmartScroll's proportional scrollbars work correctly under Mac OS 8.5. • AliasMenu no longer uses absurdly wide menus. • Palm Desktop can once again change labels and edit categories in its calendar. • DeskScan II no longer crashes when drawing its floating utility windows. • The Appearance control panel's system font setting works correctly if Kaleidoscope's Substitute System Font feature is turned off. • Fixes various drawing glitches under Mac OS 8.5 in Sherlock, Navigation Services, Apple System Profiler, Transmit, MT-NewsWatcher, YA-NewsWatcher, and other Appearance-savvy software. • Fixes a crash when closing the Kaleidoscope control panel under System 7. • Bias Peak (sound editing software) no longer leaves its popup menus blank. • Claris Impact (Japanese version) no longer crashes when drawing color palettes. • Kaleidoscope deals better with windows that are too narrow to show the full title. • Menus with background patterns draw faster than in previous versions. • Many other minor fixes and improvements. Changes in Kaleidoscope 2.1.1 • Kaleidoscope 2.x-style windows now draw up to twice as fast. • Menu titles in the menu bar no longer become truncated under Mac OS 8.5. • Windows based on the BeBox WDEF can now collapse under Mac OS 8.5. • The Mac OS 8.5 Appearance control panel tab panes no longer overlap. • Sherlock no longer leaves gray blotches with the Apple platinum scheme. • Kaleidoscope now patches the disabled Mac OS 8.5 application menu grip. • MiniCad no longer crashes when drawing its color palettes. • Fixes popups in the Internet control panel, Sherlock, and Eudora Pro 4.1. • POV-Ray no longer has problems with its Preferences dialogs. • Macromedia Flash no longer cuts off the right sides of its toolbars. • DragStrip no longer prevents you from switching to other applications. • The Get Info window no longer reverts to black and white with some schemes. • Fixes custom menu glitches in MacSoup and ColorSwitch Pro. • Fixes crashes with QuarkConnect and drawing gltiches with AlarmsClock. • The BeBox scheme now offers a full set of improved Finder icons. • The System 7 scheme now uses Kaleidoscope 2.x-style windows. • Many other minor fixes and improvements.